Python Data engineering scratchpad
Jan 25, 2019     5 minutes read

This is not a proper blog post yet, just my notes.

pandas (TODO)

1. What is pandas and why would you use it?

Even though I use pandas almost every day, there are certain solutions that I constantly forget about.

2. Examples

One of the simplest, yet powerful interfaces to work with tables has SQL, so I will describe pandas’ equivalents to SQL’s functions.

But first let’s prepare a dataset:

import pandas as pd
import re
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def prepare_iris_as_in_r():
    iris_raw = load_iris()
    colnames = [re.sub(' ', '_', re.sub(' \(cm\)', '', x))
                for x in iris_raw.feature_names]
    iris = pd.DataFrame(, columns=colnames)
    species = pd.DataFrame({'species_index': range(3),
                            'species': iris_raw.target_names})
    iris['species_index'] =
    iris = pd.merge(iris, species, on='species_index')
    iris.drop('species_index', axis=1, inplace=True)
    return iris

We’ve been working on this dataset in almost every post I wrote for this blog. It’s rather small and simple, so we will not take advantage of pandas’s processing efficiency.

iris = prepare_iris_as_in_r()

reading data from a file

In our examples we will not be doing this, because we have already loeaded the data from sklearn. You can do it with:

data = pd.read_csv()

Don’t name your datasets data. Everything we work on is data, so this name conveys no information. I named our dataset that way for the same reason as in most tutorials the default password is “password”.

useful parameters:

Parameters are rather self-explanatory. And yes, I know that in SQL we don’t read files ;)

WHERE filtering

The easiest way to filter a DataFrame is by using:

iris[iris.species == "setosa"].head()

SELECT 2 selecting

iris[['species', 'sepal_width']]
##        species  sepal_width
## 0       setosa          3.5
## 1       setosa          3.0
## 2       setosa          3.2
## 3       setosa          3.1
## 4       setosa          3.6
## 5       setosa          3.9
## 6       setosa          3.4
## 7       setosa          3.4
## 8       setosa          2.9
## 9       setosa          3.1
## 10      setosa          3.7
## 11      setosa          3.4
## 12      setosa          3.0
## 13      setosa          3.0
## 14      setosa          4.0
## 15      setosa          4.4
## 16      setosa          3.9
## 17      setosa          3.5
## 18      setosa          3.8
## 19      setosa          3.8
## 20      setosa          3.4
## 21      setosa          3.7
## 22      setosa          3.6
## 23      setosa          3.3
## 24      setosa          3.4
## 25      setosa          3.0
## 26      setosa          3.4
## 27      setosa          3.5
## 28      setosa          3.4
## 29      setosa          3.2
## ..         ...          ...
## 120  virginica          3.2
## 121  virginica          2.8
## 122  virginica          2.8
## 123  virginica          2.7
## 124  virginica          3.3
## 125  virginica          3.2
## 126  virginica          2.8
## 127  virginica          3.0
## 128  virginica          2.8
## 129  virginica          3.0
## 130  virginica          2.8
## 131  virginica          3.8
## 132  virginica          2.8
## 133  virginica          2.8
## 134  virginica          2.6
## 135  virginica          3.0
## 136  virginica          3.4
## 137  virginica          3.1
## 138  virginica          3.0
## 139  virginica          3.1
## 140  virginica          3.1
## 141  virginica          3.1
## 142  virginica          2.7
## 143  virginica          3.2
## 144  virginica          3.3
## 145  virginica          3.0
## 146  virginica          2.5
## 147  virginica          3.0
## 148  virginica          3.4
## 149  virginica          3.0
## [150 rows x 2 columns]

proper ways of selection + filtering

loc - you may use ranges as well as names

iris.loc[:10, ['species', 'sepal_length']]
##    species  sepal_length
## 0   setosa           5.1
## 1   setosa           4.9
## 2   setosa           4.7
## 3   setosa           4.6
## 4   setosa           5.0
## 5   setosa           5.4
## 6   setosa           4.6
## 7   setosa           5.0
## 8   setosa           4.4
## 9   setosa           4.9
## 10  setosa           5.4

iloc - you can use unly ranges

iris.iloc[:10, :3]
##    sepal_length  sepal_width  petal_length
## 0           5.1          3.5           1.4
## 1           4.9          3.0           1.4
## 2           4.7          3.2           1.3
## 3           4.6          3.1           1.5
## 4           5.0          3.6           1.4
## 5           5.4          3.9           1.7
## 6           4.6          3.4           1.4
## 7           5.0          3.4           1.5
## 8           4.4          2.9           1.4
## 9           4.9          3.1           1.5

GROUP BY 3 aggregating

iris.groupby('species').agg({'sepal_length': sum, 'petal_length': np.median})
##             petal_length  sepal_length
## species                               
## setosa              1.50         250.3
## versicolor          4.35         296.8
## virginica           5.55         329.4
pd.DataFrame({'count' : df1.groupby( [ "Name", "City"] ).size()}).reset_index()

JOIN 4 joining




pivot table

indexes, or Series vs. DataFrame

You may have noticed that pandas uses indexes extensively, which may be not very intuitive if you come with R or SQL background (especially that index in pandas is means something different than in SQL, which is misleading). In general the easiest way to cope with their problematic nature is trying to avoid them.

plt.scatter(iris.sepal_length, iris.sepal_width)


import numpy as np
col1 = list('abcdefghij')
start_date = pd.date_range(, periods=10).tolist()
end_date = pd.date_range(, periods=10).tolist()

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(col1=col1, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date))

        value_vars=['start_date', 'end_date'],
##    col1 is_start_end                       date
## 0     a   start_date 2019-12-22 22:54:59.241695
## 1     b   start_date 2019-12-23 22:54:59.241695
## 2     c   start_date 2019-12-24 22:54:59.241695
## 3     d   start_date 2019-12-25 22:54:59.241695
## 4     e   start_date 2019-12-26 22:54:59.241695
## 5     f   start_date 2019-12-27 22:54:59.241695
## 6     g   start_date 2019-12-28 22:54:59.241695
## 7     h   start_date 2019-12-29 22:54:59.241695
## 8     i   start_date 2019-12-30 22:54:59.241695
## 9     j   start_date 2019-12-31 22:54:59.241695
## 10    a     end_date 2019-12-22 22:54:59.249235
## 11    b     end_date 2019-12-23 22:54:59.249235
## 12    c     end_date 2019-12-24 22:54:59.249235
## 13    d     end_date 2019-12-25 22:54:59.249235
## 14    e     end_date 2019-12-26 22:54:59.249235
## 15    f     end_date 2019-12-27 22:54:59.249235
## 16    g     end_date 2019-12-28 22:54:59.249235
## 17    h     end_date 2019-12-29 22:54:59.249235
## 18    i     end_date 2019-12-30 22:54:59.249235
## 19    j     end_date 2019-12-31 22:54:59.249235