Feb 11, 2018     1 minutes read

1. What are rTags and why would you use them?

rTags let you jump directly to the definition of a function under your cursor. Modern IDE’s provide this functionality, so why wouldn’t you have it in vim?

2. How to use them?

You don’t necessarily have to read the articles from #3 (unless you want to understand what you are doing). All you have to do is run :RBuildTags, Nvim-R will create a tags file in your current directory and vim will automatically read this file each time you open any .R file in this directory. As simple as that.

To move into a function’s definition, type CTRL+], just like in vim’s help files.

Remember to re-run :RBuildTags each time you add a new function to your project in order to update the list of tags. If you reload tags quite often, consider adding a special mapping to your .vimrc, e.g.:

autocmd FileType r nmap <buffer> <F6> :RBuildTags<CR>

and, obviously, Nvim-R plugin documentation (RBuildTags).